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4| Non-traditional ways to animate an animatronic

Updated: Mar 9, 2021

Figure 1. Animation graph Maya

Many software-controlled animatronics are animated using animation software, which initially is not meant for this purpose. Examples of used software are Adobe animate and Autodesk Maya. Virtual copies of servo motors are created within these software programs and then animated. The rotations generated are then sent to a microcontroller, which moves the actual servos. To establish a connection like this, third-party software or scripts are needed.


AnimServo is a commercial tool designed and created by Craig Caton and Kevin Caton-Largent. The tool allows you to create and record animations from Autodesk Maya and import it to a Polulu Maestro USB Servo Controller. (AnimServo, n.d.)

“AnimServo sprang from the idea for the desire to establish a methodology in using facial motion capture to control animatronic puppet heads. Creating it as a plugin allowed us to take advantage of Autodesk Maya’s powerful animation tools and also the worldwide talent pool of animators who use Maya.” (AnimServo, n.d.)

Servo Tools For Maya

“Servo Tools For Maya” is a plugin that sends rotational values from inside Maya over the USB to an Arduino microcontroller connected with RC Servo motors. The tool created around 2008 by Dan Thompson is open-source, free to use, or modify. (Thompson, 2009)

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