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Part 5| Creating an animatronic - Blinking (Updated)
Adding eyelids to the Eyepot makes it possible to convey emotion. I want to open the eyelids of the Eyepot as far as possible and close...
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Part 4| Creating an animatronic - The eye mechanism
For the eye to move, we need to attach it to some servos with links. To come up with placement for the servos, I created some sketches....
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Part 3| Creating an animatronic - DOF & the eyes (Updated)
The eye prototype used to test the connection between two servos and Autodesk Maya is a simple design in which the eye can only rotate...
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Part 2 | Creating an animatronic - Designing functionality
Before I start modeling and printing things, I need to establish the movement of the eye-pot. Figure 1. Sketches of the eye-pot (Own...
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Part 1 | Creating an animatronic - The concept
It's time to make something that looks more like an animatronic. I decided to use an existing design so that I would need to work within...
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Connecting multiple servos | part 2
In my previous post, I explained that I had some issues connecting a fourth servo and showed how I solved it. If you haven't read part 1...
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Connecting multiple servos | Part 1
For my final product, I will likely be using more than 2 servos. Since the previously tested eye prototype has 2 working servos, I expect...
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Virtual replica & Constraining movement
The purpose of being able to move a servo from inside Autodesk Maya is to make the process of animating an animatronic faster, easier,...
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How not to break your animatronic
A few days ago me: "let's make a cube, click on the tool, and attach the right pin number." me: "No more error messages, time to...
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Connecting a servo with Servo Tools For Maya
In the following video, I give a brief explanation on how to connect a servo with Servo Tools For Maya Figure 1. Explanation of STFM (Own...
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Servo Tools for Maya
In my previous post, I mentioned a tool called "Servo tools for Maya" by Dan Thompson. This tool was recommended to me by my mentor, but...
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Finding a simple design To facilitate the prototyping phase, it was decided to use an existing animatronics design. Using an existing...
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Setting up communication between Maya and the Arduino
The next step is to set up communication between Autodesk Maya and the servo's that are connected to the Arduino Uno. In order to do that...
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Intro to microcontrollers
Figure 1. Arduino starter kit (Own work) For my graduation project, I want to build a small and simple animatronic using different 3D...
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